What shall I say?
I try to make up in words for that experience that is so big, beyond imagination that my meek words just so utterly fall short
What shall I say about His grace, His compassion for He put part of Him inside me that I am no more myself
No more myself that I had imagined, perceived in ways that I have done so far
No more myself the way people see me, want me to be,
No more myself to just exist and go away.
I will live from now, now that He has taught me to breathe
I will live for ages to come, in ways that you cannot imagine
I will live with intensity now, now that His grace has touched me deeply.
Explosion happened, not the one that takes away lives
But that one which bestows life,
Yes, life happened like an explosion
What are you sitting there and waiting for me to say?
If ever you want to experience life, the way it is inside
I try to make up in words for that experience that is so big, beyond imagination that my meek words just so utterly fall short
What shall I say about His grace, His compassion for He put part of Him inside me that I am no more myself
No more myself that I had imagined, perceived in ways that I have done so far
No more myself the way people see me, want me to be,
No more myself to just exist and go away.
I will live from now, now that He has taught me to breathe
I will live for ages to come, in ways that you cannot imagine
I will live with intensity now, now that His grace has touched me deeply.
Explosion happened, not the one that takes away lives
But that one which bestows life,
Yes, life happened like an explosion
What are you sitting there and waiting for me to say?
If ever you want to experience life, the way it is inside
The time is now, reach out and the existence will answer.