Wednesday, February 08, 2006

If anything can go wrong, it will - Murphy's law

Add a corollary- When one goes wrong, everything will

I am having one of those worst days at manager is sick, my senior analyst is serving his notice period and my client wants to take away every bit of happiness in my life. To sum up in one word STESS!

Side effects can be worse -

When I wake up, realize that I haven't slept yet.

My face becomes a reflection of the mind! starts looking like a burnt piece of aged orange peel, an over-cooked potato all at the same time.

My dressing sense goes for a six - I start dressing up like Mumtaz mahal...don’t misunderstand for queenly dressing…I start dressing in those flairu, ornamental salwar kameezs...

Start having hallucinations - Every other person who wanders past me (esp. at work) suddenly seems to be having hidden comments under his/her lips about me.

Feel like sticking out my tongue, show faces to my unusually caring, friendly boss (He knows I am working hard!)

Use the office ID card as my dog's leash.

I am feeling better already...YUHOOO...


Shilpa said...


new word ?

maybe ur stressed mind is making up words too :-)

Archana said...

LOL Shilpa - mez was about to ask the same question too :-D! Great minds...!

Chill Prasanna - don't worry things will get better soon. And, btw, you still OWN mumtaz mahal type salwar kameezes!!?! Whatever on earth for???

Prasanna said...

Ha ha ha! Hey I never realized that...too much work can get on to you eh? Archu, I guess I still have them as some kind of memorabilia of my UG life, may be I can even show my daughter one day and in her times they might became valuable as an antique piece of clothing....

Shilpa said...

I suggest u get rid of those clothes; destroy pics where u have worn them and remove all evidence that u ever had mumtaz mahal clothes...

btw isn't mumtaz supposed to be very beautiful and all that ?