Monday, March 06, 2006

Whew! I can’t believe it is already the first week of March and today is my last day at OfficeTiger where I have spent most of my time in the last 3 years. Never took a break except for Lunch or coffee! A part of me is feeling very sad knowing the emotional fool I am, keep repeating to myself not to get "senti"...after all "you may fall in love with work, but never with the company".

Had a long counseling session with my friend B, he convinced me not feel guilty and insecure about taking a brief hiatus. Objectively speaking - This insecure feeling seeps in because I know for sure that I am not going to have a five figure amount credited into my bank account at the end of this month...that means no splurging…no shopping…no credit cards... Two other questions constantly pops up whenever I sit and think about this What do I tell recruiters that I have been doing all those break days? The truth might be a bit difficult to understand or they may think I am a lazy sob who may be prone to these urges. The impact of this break on my career.
Looking at the brighter side, I can do things which I have been wanting do for a very LONG time now. Here is my priority list,
Go on a vacation
Take driving lessons - Never had a chance to learn car driving. All my friends now know to drive; ironically I was the first one among my friends to drive a bike to school and was proud about it.
Spend time with my daughter
Get my body into shape - Healthy lifestyle is all over the place. Rediscover the joy of fitting into my old jeans.
Being a staunch believer of miracles (Shilpa, remember those exam days when we used tell each other - "don't believe in miracles, rely on them") will turn a new leaf from Monday :)


Shilpa said...

U don't know to drive a car ?
R u serious ? I din't know that !!

Hmm...don't worry abt the break...chill out and reenergise...

And abt our motto...i still follow it and rely on miracles :-)

Archana said...

Hey, u have no right to be feeling guilty. I think your break is very well-deserved.

I would take a break too if circumstances made it possible - as it is not, I shall vicariously enjoy through you :-D!

Prasanna said...


Yes I cannot get more serious, I do not know to drive a car.


Thanx buddy,u are welcome to my blog...

Whew! that's a lot of stuff that u have listed dude...but bfr all that I am going to unwind and enzzoy for atleast a week bfr I start with all this.